AI Trends Keynote

All-hands | 45 minutes


Prompt: /imagine a key unlocking new potential and complexity in the world of AI, in a 3d style, colorful, imaginative style

A tailored, industry-specific keynote to inspire your whole company to start talking about AI

All-hands | 45 minutes

AI Trends Keynote

A tailored, industry-specific keynote to inspire your whole company to start talking about AI

Powered by AI specialists who have worked with:

In this all-hands session, a superstar AI thought leader will inspire your team’s curiosity and excitement about all things AI

Neil Perkin

AI Trends — Subject Matter Expert

This programme is for you if:

  • You need to inspire everyone to start thinking about potential applications for AI

  • There’s already pockets of AI in the company, but it’s confined to more technical roles

  • You need company-wide AI literacy and we are running out of time

What you’ll learn

In this session, we will:

  1. Inspire your people to be curious about AI and get thinking about what it means for the organisation

  2. Turn any potential anxiety into excitement - a mindset shift to what can AI do for me and my team

  3. Receive practical advice and tips about what you can do right NOW

  4. Learn from inspiring, industry-specific case studies


45 mins




Up to 300

Delivery process

  • Initial meeting and interview with key stakeholders to fully understand your needs

  • Session outcomes proposed and agreed

  • Meeting with the speaker to ensure full alignment for existing AI initiatives

  • The perfect keynote, customised for your business, is delivered

  • Post-session impact scoring and recommendations for further skills development

Why Edifai

Built by a team of experienced experts, our cutting edge programmes will give your team the tools and knowledge they need to start immediately benefiting from AI

Tailored to you and your business

Our solutions are specifically customised to you, your needs and your organisation

Practical, useful learning

Our cohort based learning makes it simple for participants to connect with experts, develop a shared understanding, hold each other accountable and build a powerful sense of community

Thrive together as a team

“The practical tips were extremely useful and we can’t wait to start using some of them at work. The speaker pitched this at the perfect level for the audience”

Meet the experts

  • Neil Perkin

    Subject Matter Expert

    Neil is a renowned consultant on agile digital transformation, specialising in how AI-driven methodologies can be applied within organisations to achieve greater agility

  • Was Rahman

    Subject Matter Expert

    Was Rahman is a researcher and consultant with a focus on ethical AI and governance in the world of business and over 30 years of experience in technology leadership roles

  • Raymond DeViliers

    Subject Matter Expert


    Raymond is a speaker and consultant who helps organisations understand trends that are influencing the world of work and its future, with a specific interest in AI

The Coteam connection

Edifai is a part of the Coteam group, and uses their tried and tested methodology for creating fun, engaging and extremely impactful learning.

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